The exciting news in this update is twofold. We are proud to present not one, but two new kaleidosculptures!
From the furthest recesses of the minds of the Gold brothers and Steven Gray comes the newest of ideas to celebrate an old practice of using an Oculizer. Traditionally an Oculizer was driven with wind mills or water power. Now with the availability of steam we can use this instrument in remote regions. This mobility allows all folks to experience the wonder of the Oculizer. Fortified with kaleidoscopetic goodness!
An exciting an unprecedented discovery high in the mountains of central Arizona has revealed a Pegascoptylus (a creature of mystical vision).
This discovery has turned the ideas and theories
of the science, archaeology and salvage communities upside down. One of the amazing things about this discovery is with new understanding scientists and archaeologists have been able to go into junk yards and are finding evidence to hold up many of the theories supporting the existence of these beautiful and unique devices. Conventional thinking has led us to believe that parts and pieces in salvage yards are from old cars, typewriters, spaceships and so forth. Now with new insights we know these are actually the remains of this rare and exotic creature.
Fascinating and curious. Love your work
Hi Steve, We missed you at the Strathmore Kaleidoscope Exihibition but we will see you at Expo 2019 and will be taking your class.
This was a good preview of what is to come.
Sheldon Slater
Hey Steve,
Looks like Pegasoptylus or Pegascopolis has been invaded by Steampunk! You are definitely in the vanguard….
Best regards —